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You Can Start a Handyman (or Woman) Business

Photo via Pexels

Are you ready to be an entrepreneur? Starting your own handyman (or woman) business can be a great way to make some extra money, and with the right plan, you can turn it into a full-time job. Today, The Responsible Development Coalition of Deerpark outlines precisely what you need to know to get started.

Laws and Permit Requirements

Every state has different laws regulating handyman businesses. Do your research to see if you need special licenses or permits to operate. Another consideration is taxes. You'll need to register your business with your city and state and get a sales tax permit if you plan on charging customers for your services.

Consider a Specialization

One way to make your handyman business stand out is to specialize in a specific type of repair or service. This can help you attract customers looking for someone with your particular skill set. For example, you could focus on major appliance repair, electrical work, plumbing, carpentry, or even welding. There are great resources like Welding Logic out there to ensure you stay current on important information and techniques.

Create a Business Plan

As with any business, the US Small Business Administration notes that it's crucial to have a plan before you start. Your business plan should include your business goals, a marketing strategy, and a financial plan. This will help you map your path to success and ensure you are prepared for the challenges ahead.

Protect Yourself From Liability

As a business owner, you're responsible for any damage that you or your employees cause while working. That's why it's essential to have liability insurance to protect yourself in case of an accident. You can get a policy from most major insurers, and it doesn't have to be expensive. Another way to protect yourself from liability is to file an LLC. This business structure can help shield your personal assets if your business is sued. It can also provide some tax benefits.

Find Customers

Pay attention to your marketing to help find the right customers for your business. The best way to find customers is to start by telling your friends and family about your business. They can spread the word to their friends, and you can also put up flyers around town. You can also find work through online platforms connecting handymen with customers.

It’s important that any print or digital marketing you create includes your logo and branding. If you don’t yet have a logo, you can save money and time using a brand logo design tool. Start with one of the many beautiful templates and customize it to make something that is uniquely your own.

Use Invoice Software and Other Technology

You can use tech to find more than customers. Many apps can help you with everything from marketing to accounting. It’s no secret that challenges of invoicing for contractors exist. But with the right invoice software designed specifically for contractors, you can efficiently generate professional-grade, branded invoices. Look for software that automates the invoicing process with flexible payment options for customers, which will lead to an increase in accuracy and a reduction in billing errors.

Other programs can manage estimates, process payments, and automate social media profiles. Look for digital payment platforms that can incorporate financial API bank account balance, which allows your customers to view their account balance before payment to avoid any overdraft penalties or charges. Also, with the right payment platform and API, Digital Guardian points out that you can avoid hefty credit card fees while safeguarding customers' financial information.

If you can, use a construction estimating app to keep your handyman business on track with less stress. This software allows you to complete everything necessary for a fast customer estimate, including materials, taxes, and labor costs, and send it seamlessly to other employees and the customer directly from the job site. You can even set it to send automated email reminders for the customer to approve the estimate.

Entrepreneurship Is Within Your Reach

Take control of your future with a business. Research permit requirements, write a business plan, select a structure, and take advantage of invoice software and technology. With the right tools and a little hard work, you can make your handyman business a success.

The Responsible Development Coalition of Deerpark is working to support farmers, residents, and businesses to help our community thrive. Let us know if you have any questions!

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